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Student ADJUSTable Website

1. Tell Us About Yourself












2. What Domain Name Would You Like?

Check Name

By default the website name will be "", such as You can point a full website domain name you own to this site if you choose. You can also select a custom name to replace "yourname".

Use the following form to check the availability of a specific subdomain name, (eg. "behealthy"). Type a name in the form and click "Check Name" to see if the name is available.

3. Method of Payment

Please enter your payment information

What is this?

4. Payment & Terms of Service

One-Time Only Payment: $
There are no additional charges for this website service until you convert this service to a full doctor website. Once converted, regular monthly doctor fees will apply.
By submitting this form you acknowledge that you have have read and understand the FAQ and you agree to the NYK terms of service.

Congratulations on choosing "Now You Know" for your Internet Educational needs. We pledge our continued support and service to you in your pursuit to spread the message of chiropractic and your service to your practice, your community, and beyond. We wish to build an ongoing and successful relationship with you and your office. The first thing we want you to know is that we are a service. Just as you are there to serve your patients, we are here to serve you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us on our toll free number: 800-695-8937. There are many advanced features to the Now You Know services. However, we make them simple to use. In the next few days, you will get a call from one of our support staff to go over some additional information with you and to get you started. You will also receive emails with important information such as user ID and password to your own "NYK Central" control center. NYK Central is the "nerve center" of your control over your services. You can log into your NYK Central account from the log in areas on the website. From NYK Central you can make or submit changes to your NYK ADJUSTable Website, keep your patient email list for the NYK Newsletter service, send Echiropractic messages, and control the items for sale in your Chiropractic Depot. We would suggest that you take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the various features and functions of your service. Please click on the �Support� link on this website and review the various instructions and videos explaining our services. Again, welcome to Now You Know. We are here to serve you, so that you can serve more of them! In Service, Bob Braile DC CEO, Now You Know Inc.