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1. Which System Meets Your Needs?

Levels of Services   NOTE: Service billed automatically at the beginning of each month Inital Setup Cost Monthly

2. Tell Us About You and Your Practice

2. Tell Us About Yourself










3. Need A Website Name?

3. What Domain Name Would You Like?

No thanks, I have my own:

Yes, Please!

Please use the following form to check the availability of a specific web domain name. Please type a name in the form and select one of the extensions
(.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .name, .us, or .mobi ).

Click "Check Name" and a search will be performed on the appropriate WHOIS database.

Check Name

By default the website name will be "", such as You can point a full website domain name you own to this site if you choose. You can also select a custom name to replace "yourname".

Use the following form to check the availability of a specific subdomain name, (eg. "behealthy"). Type a name in the form and click "Check Name" to see if the name is available.

4. Method of Payment

Please enter your payment information

What is this?

5. Payment & Terms of Service

Your Total Due:  (setup cost)
One-Time Only Payment: There are no additional charges for this website service until you convert this service to a full doctor website. Once converted, regular monthly doctor fees will apply.
By submitting this form you agree to our terms of service.

By submitting this form you acknowledge that you have have read and understand the FAQ and you agree to the NYK terms of service.